VandaliaTV is looking for films from West Virginia area filmmakers that are already available online. Our platform shares films that are past their festival run, that are now hosted on the filmmaker's social channels (YouTube, Vimeo, Facebook, etc). The idea is to share past works of currently working filmmakers and push an audience to their new projects!
Your film is already available on an embeddable social platform such as YouTube, Vimeo, Facebook, etc.
You provide a 1920x1080 thumbnail that clearly states the name of the film. We use this for navigation on the site.
You provide a brief 1-5 sentence description of your film. This information will be posted alongside your film and possibly used in promotional materials when sharing your project.
VandaliaTV accepts submissions through the platform Filmfreeway. Before submitting you will need to register an account and enter your projects there. Filmfreeway is an open, safe, and free festival submission service that is widely used by filmmakers from all over. You can use existing YouTube, Vimeo, Facebook, or other links to host your films! A submission window for VandaliaTV will be announced monthly and selected projects will be contacted soon after.
By submitting this form you are allowing VandaliaTV to review, feature, share, and promote any piece of work attached to the submission.
VandaliaTV WILL NOT re-host your content and will only act as a hub allowing viewers to access films on a host of your choosing. Submission to VandaliaTV does not guarantee your work will be selected. Works will be reviewed, and content will be curated.
Provided contact information can be used by VandaliaTV to request additional materials (clips, pictures, logos, graphics, etc.) for promotional uses. Selected works are not guaranteed to be included in promotional materials. The submitter may or may not be consulted before their work is used for promotion. The work may potentially be promoted on social platforms including, but not limited to, Tik-Tok, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, or any other social web platform VandaliaTV sees fit.
If at a later date you would like your work removed from VandaliaTV, please contact us at "watchvandaliatv@gmail.com". Please allow 5-7 business days for the removal request to process.
You control full rights to your work. VandaliaTV only acts as a hub and promotional platform for your films.